Someone recently told me that they had an artist crush on my work. How flattering is that?! I'm far from popular in the art world I realize, it didn't go to my head...don't worry. You know Pinterest, well I once made a board I titled Artists I love. Instead of you looking for hours at random recipes you'll never make, I thought I would save you the trouble & post a few favourites here. Some of these artists have been on my radar for awhile, others are newer to me since joining social media.
If I won the lottery, some originals by these folks would be added to our art collection.
Paul Davies' paintings are mid century dreams. The colour palettes he uses are so unexpected and perfect in every way. He is Australian which makes me love him more. I have found so many creative artists and designers who are from down under. Check him out on Instagram @pauldaviesartist
I've been reading the blog of this talented artist Michelle Armas for so many years I feel like I know her; she is so down to earth. When she first acknowledged my work on Instagram, I told my husband that she was really awesome & funny!! If you have the chance, listen to some of her interviews online, they won't disappoint. She keeps it real & tells it how it is, and we both like Arrested Development so I know we'd hit it off in person. I feel like everyone knows who she is already, but if you don't check her out
Looking at the body of work that painter Jessica Hess has produced, made it very difficult to choose one image to share with you. Her landscapes make me do a double take, they are so realistic to a photograph. I love grafiti art & she captures every detail with her brushstrokes. You need to see what else she has created. Go to
I am fascinated by the paintings of Guy Yanai. His linear brushstrokes have such precision & his colour combinations are not on my typical go to list. His collection of mid century homes are beautiful, complete with sprinklers! Check out his work at