I haven’t felt very creative lately. It’s been all about family and slowing down for the past few weeks. We’ve been watching holiday movies and both of my daughters are now into reading chapter books (they are seven & nine). After dinner is a quiet time as we have been in the living room all sitting quietly reading. It’s been nice.
I got my husband the Beastie Boys book for Christmas & I’ve been reading it everyday since (It’s over 500 pages). I’ve been reading old articles online, watching past interviews with the band and concerts on YouTube. It’s like their music has somehow brought me back to my youth. Last night I laid in bed and watched a live concert from 2004 in Amsterdam. Everyone has that one song that they blast if they are driving in the car alone (without kids) mine is Sabotage…I f*cking love it!
Photo by Ricky Powell for Time Magazine
Some exciting things happened for me this year and I’m glad I got to share these experiences online with you. I also had the opportunity to connect with and meet some incredible people. I’m hoping to find inspiration in the next few months and I’m excited to see where in takes me in the studio. Right now I am quite happy exploring, wandering and enjoying life and taking a break from writing a weekly blog. Thank you for following along and supporting me.
I’ve never really been into celebrating New Year’s in a big way, I’m happy to just order take out, play some games and see if I can stay awake until midnight. I don’t often make it! Maybe this year.