Makers gonna make...

Not sure if that is from a Taylor Swift song.. but it’s in my head now.

When I got back from my holiday last week I had some ideas in my mind for new artwork. I’m always inspired by design and architecture so I thought I would try to incorporate a bit of that into some of my pieces. I’ve taken over our family dining table and I have scraps of paper, material, paintings and all of my go-to stuff everywhere. I don’t want to tidy it up as I often sit and play around as soon as I wake up in the morning. Everyone else is asleep and I’ve found that some of my best ideas come together quickly during my morning tea. After the kids are in bed I have been sitting at the table trying to put things together with no luck.


As a maker I need to keep my hands busy when they are calling me to do something. It sometimes gets a bit depressing during the winter months in Canada. It’s so dark and cold and hibernation is on the agenda for lots of people. I’m lucky that my studio space is in my home, if I was going somewhere else it would make things a bit more difficult. If you are currently in a rut keep going! I was actually watching a movie last week and an idea came to me when I saw something on the screen. I surely was not expecting that a comedy I had already seen would give me some artistic direction, but you just never know.

Here are a few images that have caught my attention lately.

Photo by Jaime Beriestain Studio

Photo by Jaime Beriestain Studio

Photo & design by Dorothee Meilichzon

Photo & design by Dorothee Meilichzon

Photo by Stephen Johnson

Photo by Stephen Johnson

Photo by Joe Fletcher

Photo by Joe Fletcher

Photo by Windmill Dreams

Photo by Windmill Dreams

Photo by Reid Rolls

Photo by Reid Rolls

Photo by Kaitie Bryant

Photo by Kaitie Bryant

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