
I’ve been in my home for a few months now and our routine is very similar every day. I am a homebody but sometimes I do crave more than a trip to the post office or a walk with the dog in our neighbourhood. Reading the news often leads to less sleep, but I can continue to do it. There are a lot of things happening in the world right now that are horrible and there is no end in sight for Covid-19. I read this the other day and thought I would share it with you.

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I have found comfort in watching reruns of New Girl, The Last Dance, Dave, and Amy Schumer’s new cooking show. I like to laugh.

The urge to create comes in waves. One week nothing and the next I will sit for two days straight working on something. Last week I decided to have a Flash Sale for these original 4x6” collages. It went well and they all found new homes. After your encouraging response, I may do another sale in the future.


I’m always looking for inspiration for new colour palettes or shapes and have some images saved on my phone that I thought I would share. Maybe you will connect with something as well.

Photo by Rebecca Wood

Photo by Rebecca Wood

Design by In Architects, Photograph by Amelia Stanwix

Design by In Architects, Photograph by Amelia Stanwix

Photo and design by Anna Beam

Photo and design by Anna Beam

Design by Victoria Beckham

Design by Victoria Beckham

Design by Andy Beers

Design by Andy Beers

Photo by Amelia Stanwix

Photo by Amelia Stanwix

Sculpture by Sean Meliak, Photography by Amelia Stanwix

Sculpture by Sean Meliak, Photography by Amelia Stanwix

Design by Heidi Caillier, photo by Haris Kenjar

Design by Heidi Caillier, photo by Haris Kenjar

Photo by Accidentally Wes Anderson

Photo by Accidentally Wes Anderson

Ceramic sculpture by Simone Bodmer-Turner, Photograph by ARC objects

Ceramic sculpture by Simone Bodmer-Turner, Photograph by ARC objects

Photo by Julie Holder

Photo by Julie Holder

Sculture by Matthias Pliessnig

Sculture by Matthias Pliessnig

I cannot believe tomorrow is the first of June. The warm weather and being able to garden and read outside has helped the days pass. Stay safe friends.