As the year comes to an end I want to thank everyone who continues to cheer me on and share my artwork with the world. Every time a collector sends me a photo of the art they have selected for their home/design project it makes me so happy. This year I was thrilled with your response to my portrait paintings, something new for me. I enjoyed the process so much.
Me and Santa, year is maybe 1980?
I am currently creating a collection of still lifes, looking forward to sharing them with you next year. I’m enjoying keeping them to myself for now.
I’ve had this photo saved on my phone for a while now. Love watching SNL & my favourite actor Matt Damon. Deck the halls!
Photo by Mary Ellen Matthews
I love seeing other people’s art collections and this home tour did not disappoint. Designer Natalia Miyar has a good eye, a variety of mediums including ceramics and sculptures fill her home. Check it out. I also loved the art collection in the home of designer Jennifer Mills, check it out here. This textile designer has a lovely summer cabin full of colour and pattern.
Photo by Natalia Miyar
I love listening to Tom Petty and recently came across this documentary from a few years back. The making of Tom’s favourite album Wildflowers which was produced by the talented Rick Rubin. Check it out. Watching musicians /painters work, listening to actors/designers, reading biographies. I enjoy getting an inside look into the minds of creative people. I have yet to read Ricks's book The Creative Act: A Way of Being, but it’s on my list.
Neil Young just released a new album and I am looking forward to listening to it while I paint.
The gallery McCully & Crane in East Sussex has the best curated vignettes. I could scroll through their photos every day and find new inspiration. Check them out.
Photo by McCully & Crane